Semikron SKD62/16 New Stock

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SKD62/16 is a new Semikron brand bridge rectifier Features
. Robust plactic case with screw terminals
. Large, Isolated base plate
. Blocking voltage up to 1600V
. High surge currents
. Three phase bridge rectifier
. Easy chassis mounting
Typical Applications*
. Three phase rectifiers for power supplies
. Input rectifiers for variale frequency drives
. Rectifiers for DC motor field supplies
. Battery charger rectifiers
1) Freely suspended or mounted on an insulator
2) Mounted on a painte metal sheet of min. 250*250*1min;Rth=1600/W
Available in limited quantities
Collector-Emitter voltage Vces:1600V
Gate-Emitter voltage VGES:±20V
Collector current Ic Continuous Tc=25°C : 30A
Collector current Ic Continuous Tc=80°C : 60A
Collector power dissipation Pc:230W