Infineon #TDB6HK124N16RR New Instock

. Active Rectifier
. Half Controlled B6-bridge
Mechanical Features
. 2.5kV AC i min Insulation
. A1203 Substate with Low Thermal Resistance
. High Power Density
. High mechanical robustness
. Isolated Base Plate
. Compact design
. Copper Base Plate
. solder Contact Technology
. RoHS compliant
. Standard Housing
Maximum ratings and characteristics
.Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless without specified)
Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung Collector-emitter voltage Tvj = 25°C VCES 1200 V
Kollektor-Dauergleichstrom Continuous DC collector current TC = 80°C, Tvj max = 175°C IC nom 100 A
Periodischer Kollektor-Spitzenstrom Repetitive peak collector current tP = 1 ms ICRM 200 A
Gesamt-Verlustleistung Total power dissipation TC = 25°C, Tvj max = 175°C Ptot 515 W
Gate-Emitter-Spitzenspannung Gate-emitter peak voltage VGES:±20V
Temperatur in Schaltbetrieb Temperature under switching conditions Tvj op-40~150°C
Mounting Schraube M5 screw torque 3.0~6.0 N·m
Gewicht Weight 180g
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