Mitsubishi #CM150RL-12NF New Instock
Maximum ratings and characteristics .Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless without specified) Collector-Emitter voltage Vces:600V Gate-Emitter voltage VGES:±20V Collector current
IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.
Fuji #1MBI600NN-060 New Instock
Features • Square RBSOA • Low Saturation Voltage • Less Total Power Dissipation • Improved FWD Characteristic • Minimized
IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.
VICOR #VI-J61-CY New Instock
Manufacturer: Vicor Product Category: Isolated DC/DC Converters Number of Outputs: 1 Output Output Power: 50 W Input Voltage: 200
IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.
Mitsubishi #PMH200CS1D060 New Instock
Mitsubishi IGBT module PMH200CS1D060 PMH200CS1D060 is likely a product code for an Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) module. IGBTs are widely
IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.
Techsem #MTC400A/1800V New Instock
Features: . Isolated mounting base 2500V~ . Pressure co ntac tet chnology w ith Incrtased power cycling capability .
IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.
Mitsubishi #PM75CL1A120 New Instock
Mitsubishi #PM75CL1A120 FEATURE Inverter + Drive & Protection IC a) Adopting new 5th generation Full-Gate CSTBT(TM) chip b) The over-temperature protection
IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.
Semikron #SKKH460/22EH4 New Instock
Features .High Speed Switching .Low Saturation Voltage .Voltage Drive Applications .Inverter for Motor Drive .AC and DC Servo Drive Amplifier .Uninterruptible
IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.
Infineon #FF400R12KT4 New Instock
FF400R12KT4 Infineon igbt Maximum ratings and characteristics .Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless without specified) Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung Collector-emitter voltage Tvj = 25°C VCES
IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.
Leiditech #MD200S16M3 New Instock
Applications .Three phase rectifiers for power supplies .Rectifiers for DC motor field supplies .Battery chargerrectifiers .Input rectifiers for variable frequency drives Features
IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.
Fuji #6DI100A-050 New Instock
The Fuji 6DI100A-050 is a thyristor power module with a compact package design and PC board mount. It has a