Category: IGBT Module

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

MACMIC #MMG75S170B New Instock

   PRODUCT FEATURES High short Circuit capability,self limiting short Circuit current .VCE(sat) with positive temperature coefficient .IGBT CHIP(Highly rugged SPT+ design) .Ultra Low Loss,High

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

Infineon #FF450R12KE4 New Instock

    Part: #FF450R12KE4 Manufacturer: Infineon Product Category: IGBT Modules Product: IGBT Silicon Modules Configuration: Triple Common Emitter Common Gate Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung Collector-emittervoltage Tvj = 25°C VCES

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

Powerex #T7H816750400 New Instock

   T7H816750400 Description: Powerex Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR) are designed for phase control applications. These are all-diffused, Press-Pak, hermetic Pow-R-Disc devices employing the field

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

Infineon #BSM300GB120DLC_E3256 New Instock

    Infineon #BSM300GB120DLC_E3256 Maximum ratings and characteristics .Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless without specified) Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung Collector-Emitter voltage Vces:1200V Kollektor-Dauergleichstrom Gate-Emitter voltage

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

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