Fuji #PD10M44OH7B06 New Instock

* Dual MOSFETs Cascaded Circuit
* Prevented Body Diodes of MOSFETs bySBDs, and Ultra Fast Recovery Diodes Connected in Parallel
* 300KHz High Speed Switching Possible TYPICAL APPLICATIONS
* Power Supply for the Communications and the Induction Heating
Maximum ratings and characteristics
.Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless without specified)
Collector-Emitter voltage Vces:500V
Gate-Emitter voltage VGES:±20V
Collector current Ic:85A
Collector current Icp:800A
Collector power dissipation Pc:1270W
Collector-Emitter voltage VCES:2500V
Operating junction temperature Tj:+150°C
Storage temperature Tstg :-40 to +125°C
Mounting screw torque 3.5 *1 N·m
IGBT Module Dual 85A 450V/500VDual
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_6oRNvuENo
PD10M44OH7B06 PD10M44OH7B06