Mitsubishi CM150DY-12NF New Stock

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The CM150DY-12NF is a 600V Dual IGBTMOD™ NF series Module designed for use in switching applications. Each module consists of two IGBT Transistors in a half bridge configuration with each transistor having a reverse-connected super-fast recovery free-wheel diode. All components and interconnects are isolated from the heat sinking baseplate, offering simplified system assembly and thermal management.
Low drive power
Low Vce (sat)
Discrete super-fast recovery free-wheel diode
Isolated baseplate for easy heat sinking
Motor Drive & Control; Power Management
Product Specifications, Documents & More
Transistor Polarity
DC Collector Current 150A
Collector Emitter Voltage Vces 1.7V
Power Dissipation Pd 590W
Collector Emitter Voltage V(br)ceo 600V
Transistor Case Style Module
No. of Pins 7
Operating Temperature Max 150°C
Transistor Type IGBT Module
Operating Temperature Min -40 °C