Category: IGBT Module

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

SanRex #SDA150AA80 New Instock

   Maximum  #SDA150AA80 ratings and characteristics .Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless without specified) Collector-Emitter voltage Vces:800V Gate-Emitter voltage VGES:±20V Collector current

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

Fuji #1MBI1500UE-330 New Instock

   1MBI1500UE-330 igbt module Maximum ratings and characteristics .Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless without specified) Collector-Emitter voltage Vces:3300V Gate-Emitter voltage VGES:±20V Collector current Ic:1500A

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

Powerex #KT224510 New Instock

    Manufacturer Part Number: KT224510 Manufacturer: Powerex INC Package Description: FLANGE MOUNT, R-PUFM-X6 Pin Count: 6 Collector Current-Max (IC): 100 A Collector-Emitter Voltage-Max:

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

Infineon #FP15R12YT3 New Instock

   Manufacturer:    Infineon  FP15R12YT3 Product Category:    IGBT Modules RoHS:    YES Product:    IGBT Silicon Modules Configuration:    Array 7 Collector- Emitter Voltage VCEO Max:    1200 V

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

IGBT brand: Mitsubishi, Fuji, Toshiba, Infineon, Semikron, IXYS.

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